the posters will be available as from Sunday 09 March 2025.
SESSION 1:Ocean Biodiversity (and how we can collectively contribute to the needs of BBNJ and GBF)
- Challenges and lessons learned from the rescue of historical data to assess biodiversity shifts on rocky shores along the Atlantic coast of Europe
- To Use the OBIS and GOOS as Tools to Cohere Conservation Actions For Marine Species Globally
- eDNA Metabarcoding and Citizen Science for Biodiversity Studies and Fish Conservation in Marine Protected Areas in the Brazilian Coast
- The significant role of MedOBIS in supporting the LIFEMareNatura Project for the sustainable conservation of threatened EU priority species in the Mediterranean
- Phytoplankton community structure and HAB monitoring in coastal Escuintla, Guatemala
- Socio-environmental Oceanography: a preliminary study of marine biodiversity with Brazil’s coastal peoples and communities
- The Need to Strengthen Environmental Monitoring Programs for the Creation of Early Warning Systems
SESSION 2: Capacity development facilitating data, information, and knowledge exchange
- Marine data governance study in the cross-border project: the case of ELWIND
- EMODnet Geology: Compiling Marine Geological Data Sets to support sustainable development of marine areas
- EMODnet Biology: the EU service for marine in situ biodiversity data
- Innovación en datos y servicios oceánicos: La experiencia de los pronósticos marítimos en Colombia
- Capacity Development for skill enhancement in Operational Oceanography
- EMODnet – Ingestion and safekeeping of marine data sets: a public service for sharing open and FAIR marine data
- National Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee- CTN DIOCEEAN: Articulating efforts to promote open data in Colombia
- Mapping Sustainable Skipjack Tuna Habitats in the Sri Lankan EEZ: An Integration of Machine Learning and Satellite-Derived Environmental Data
- MiSMoS (MicroScale Morphology System): an inexpensive new method to survey 3D surface micromorphology
- Developing a water quality monitoring system for the world’s largest chocked lagoon, study cases during southern Brazil’s 2023/2024 catastrophic floods
- Sail for Science
SESSION 3: Working towards a federated Global Ocean Data Ecosystem
ongoing initiatives, partnerships and ambitions towards the Ocean Decade Vision 2030 outcomes
- BEACON – a high-performance data lake solution supporting local, national and global data access
- The European data system: how EMODnet and SeaDataNet work together
- Quantification of Uncertainties in Global Ocean Temperature and Salinity Observations: The International Quality-controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD)
SESSION 4: Application of Ocean data for sustainable Ocean Planning and Management
- A Comparative Study of Stock Status and Sustainable Fisheries Management of Pomadasys olivaceus Across Pakistan’s Coastlines
- Ensuring Metrological Traceability in Ocean Temperature Measurements: Contributions to Global Observation Systems
- Contributions of Specialized Courses to Sustainable Ocean Management
- Rising sea level: a case study for understanding thermal expansion and its impact on coastal vulnerability in Guatemala