Poster session

the posters will be available as from Sunday 09 March 2025.

SESSION 1:Ocean Biodiversity (and how we can collectively contribute to the needs of BBNJ and GBF)

  1. Challenges and lessons learned from the rescue of historical data to assess biodiversity shifts on rocky shores along the Atlantic coast of  Europe
  2. To Use the OBIS and GOOS as Tools to Cohere Conservation Actions For Marine Species Globally
  3. eDNA Metabarcoding and Citizen Science for Biodiversity Studies and Fish Conservation in Marine Protected Areas in the Brazilian Coast
  4. The significant role of MedOBIS in supporting the LIFEMareNatura Project for the sustainable conservation of threatened EU priority species in the Mediterranean
  5. Phytoplankton community structure and HAB monitoring in coastal Escuintla, Guatemala
  6. Socio-environmental Oceanography: a preliminary study of marine biodiversity with Brazil’s coastal peoples and communities
  7. The Need to Strengthen Environmental Monitoring Programs for the Creation of Early Warning Systems

SESSION 2: Capacity development facilitating data, information, and knowledge exchange

  1. Marine data governance study in the cross-border project: the case of ELWIND
  2. EMODnet Geology: Compiling Marine Geological Data Sets to support sustainable development of marine areas
  3. EMODnet Biology: the EU service for marine in situ biodiversity data
  4. Innovación en datos y servicios oceánicos: La experiencia de los pronósticos marítimos en Colombia
  5. Capacity Development for skill enhancement in Operational Oceanography
  6. EMODnet – Ingestion and safekeeping of marine data sets: a public service for sharing open and FAIR marine data
  7. National Oceanic Data and Information Coordination Committee- CTN DIOCEEAN: Articulating efforts to promote open data in Colombia
  8. Mapping Sustainable Skipjack Tuna Habitats in the Sri Lankan EEZ: An Integration of Machine Learning and Satellite-Derived Environmental Data
  9. MiSMoS (MicroScale Morphology System): an inexpensive new method to survey 3D surface micromorphology
  10. Developing a water quality monitoring system for the world’s largest chocked lagoon, study cases during southern Brazil’s 2023/2024 catastrophic floods
  11. Sail for Science

SESSION 3: Working towards a federated Global Ocean Data Ecosystem
ongoing initiatives, partnerships and ambitions towards the Ocean Decade Vision 2030 outcomes

  1. BEACON – a high-performance data lake solution supporting local, national and global data access
  2. The European data system: how EMODnet and SeaDataNet work together 
  3. Quantification of Uncertainties in Global Ocean Temperature and Salinity Observations: The International Quality-controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD)

SESSION 4: Application of Ocean data for sustainable Ocean Planning and Management

  1. A Comparative Study of Stock Status and Sustainable Fisheries Management of  Pomadasys olivaceus Across Pakistan’s Coastlines
  2. Ensuring Metrological Traceability in Ocean Temperature Measurements: Contributions to Global Observation Systems
  3. Contributions of Specialized Courses to Sustainable Ocean Management
  4. Rising sea level: a case study for understanding thermal expansion and its impact on coastal vulnerability in Guatemala