Call for abstracts

We are pleased to launch the call for abstracts for the “International Ocean Data Conference – 3”, to be held at Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras José Benito Vives de Andreis, Santa Marta-Colombia (10-11 March 2025).

Themes for the abstracts can be found on the dedicated page

Guidelines for the submission of an abstract

Abstracts should be clear, concise, written, and presented in English or Spanish (We will arrange interpretation). Presenters are requested to carefully proofread their abstract. For abstracts that are accepted, authors will be asked to prepare a prerecorded video (not only for remote presentations, but also for those that will be present on site). Authors of abstracts that could not be accommodated (due to time limitations) will be requested to prepare information material to be published on a shared public platform. All the presentations and information material will be available via the conference website at

Speakers delivering presentations will be expected to be present during the session including the Q&A part either virtually or in person.

Limited funds are available for speakers from developing countries with accepted papers. Please indicate if you require support when submitting your abstract.

All abstracts should be submitted electronically HERE by 24 January 2025 (midnight CET). Extension till 31 January 2025 (midnight CET) – UPDATE 3 February 2025: call for abstracts are closed.

The following information will be requested in the submission:

  • Preferred session where the paper will be presented
  • Title of the presentation
  • Name, email and affiliation of contact person
  • Name, email and affiliation of speaker
  • Name, email and affiliation of co-authors
  • Abstract: maximum of 300 words, excluding title and author info. The abstract text should not include any illustrations, graphics, photos, tables, references
  • Indicate if you intend to participate on-site or online

Only the preferred session, title and abstract will be shared with the Scientific Committee to ensure a fully objective selection process.

Upon reception of your submission, the system will send you (submitter) a copy of the submission. After the deadline for submissions, the Scientific Committee will review all submissions and the Conference Secretariat will inform all submitters of the decision by the Scientific Committee by 15 February 2025 at the latest.

If you encounter any problems while filling out the form, please contact us by email at 

The accepted pre-recorded videos or information material will need to be sent to the Conference Secretariat (in the agreed format which will be communicated)NOT LATER THAN 1 March 2025.